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INAXUS for Owners

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Informed Descision making
Enhanced project collaboration

Document Management

Advanced centralized and secured repository for all your document.

Project continuity

Email and Correspondence

Streamlined communication and document sharing with our integrated email module.

Streamlined project control

Advance Workflow

Manage reviews efficiently and take control of any delays.

real time insights

Digital Forms

Create error-free forms that enable effective data gathering.

owner/developers centric dashboards


Conveniently access BIM for on-the-go insights.

Supervision on every stage of Construction

Cost Management

Ensuring effective cost control and budget optimization for project success.

progress visibility with streamlined data and management

Bid & Tender

Streamlined and integrated bid & tender management for your project.

Manage and track information just in a click


A centralized hub for real-time insights and data visualization, empowering informed decision-making.

information just in a click


Smart analytics and dynamic reports for effective decisions.

streamlined data and management

Digital Logs

Real-time tracking and recording for improved transparency and data-driven decision-making.

progress visibility

Mobile App

On-the-go efficiency with INAXUS Mobile App - Access, manage, and collaborate seamlessly from anywhere, anytime.

every stage of Construction


Create & keep track of meeting details, agenda and action items.

Our Clients

Empowering 800+ Organizations to Build Better with INAXUS Excellence

ali mousa
all tayers
arif & Bintoak
dar al arkan
Seven Tides

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